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How to upgrade to FLAIR treatment for high dyne level and increased shelf live on BOPP


upgrading to FLAIR ® treatment for high dyne level and increased shelf live on BOPP


FLAIR® has proven the possibilities of substantial improvement in pretreatment. It is a compact and powerful station to treat at higher level at less costs.

The treaters are extremely compact, requiring minimal space for a very high power. Also treatment roll diameter can be substantially smaller than for a normal corona, at the same or even a higher power level. The station uses no silicone rubber coating on the treatment roller but a plain stainless steel on the outside which guarantees a very long lasting of the roll.

FLAIR® has proved before that it can reach extremely high surface energy levels, up to 73 mN/m are possible in principle. Above that adhesion properties are excellent much better than corona even for the same dyne level. Foil treated with FLAIR® has shown condition under which e.g metal adhesion was up to three times better than with standard metallized films.

The technology can be implemented in any running system to reach out for efficiency and higher quality with a minimum invest.

mentioned here.